Average surf

Locals report that the surf so far this week has been extremely average. "I can't remember when I've seen it this average", says local surf enthusiast Kane Mello.
The good news is that busloads of cashed-up tourists have been flocking to the beach to witness the most average conditions
in living memory. "Asa yawa naka", one tourist is quoted as saying as she emerged from the bus and proceeded to take snaps.
Meteorologist Neville Boorman from the Department of Meteorology confirmed locals' observations, pointing to statistical print-outs.
When asked what the difference was between a comet and a meteor, he replied "that's not my department".
Lifesavers report "no incidents".
Local agents upbeat
Real estate agents in Elston County are expecting a good year as the town becomes known as a relaxing holiday destination.
"There are clear indications that there is outside interest in Elston as a travel destination and a place where
families can work, rest and play," local agent Fielding Menn told the Elston Gazette this week.
Head of the local Real Estate Agents Guild, Shirley Void, confirms this, saying enquiries are "up significantly".
However, a spokesperson for Social Wellbeing Elston, Harrie G. Warmeing, warns that this could put "upward pressure on low-cost rentals".
"Thanks to the Elston Gazette, we have no need for any other newspapers!" writes reader John Morney.
And we can't disagree, with the new-look Gazette carrying even more updates of local and international interest.
Thanks, John!
There's been another sighting of an image of the Virgin Mary, this time at the local Bi-Lo carpark, by Mr and Mrs D,
of Newfields. "A woman was loading her hatchback when the trolley started to roll away," Mr D explained. Mrs D continued:
"as she reached for the trolley she dropped the eggs. There was a clear image of Mother Mary. The yolks were the eyes.
She looked angry."
Leopards invade Elston!
Well, not your regular leopards perhaps, but locals are troubled by a proliferation of
Leopard Slugs, which seem intent on populating local gardens and pathways.
Council patrols are at the ready.
Your say
Should fat people park closer to the curb? Have your say.